I have two words for you: JET LAG, the curse of the artist. It is when travellers crossing several time zones and, therefore, feel out-of-sync with the destination. Temporary symptoms include insomnia night, sleepiness during the day, irritability or hunger in inappropriate time.
Preventive, other sleep on the plane. Travel can be very exhausting, but the more rest you get, it will be easy to combat jet lag. Take a night flight to Hawaii so that you are actually sleeping on a normal schedule. And although it may be tempting to stop the coffee from the airport during a stopover, avoid drinking something caffeine. Of course, this makes feel you more lively, but it causes also more often wake up after you fall asleep. (Everything from alcohol as well).
Water, water, water. Drink plenty of it. Every hour you are in the air, drink at least eight ounces. Buy a bottle of water at the airport before the flight, or you can do what I do. As none of the liquids are allowed through the security check point, I Pack an empty Nalgene Bottle and then fill it at the water cooler from the airport once I am at the door.When landing on the Islands, spend time in the sunlight. This should be easy to do; After all, you are in a tropical destination with tons of outdoor activities to enjoy. It helps your body reset and coincides with the new environment. Also once you are there, not to give in to fatigue... siderosis is reasonably close a normally reads here. Otherwise, forget sticks and go up to drowsiness. I am not suggesting to sleep as soon as you get to your hotel or because it will only make more difficult to adapt to a regular sleep schedule.
Photo credit: Noa MyersPosted by Alyssa s. Navares Follow me on Twitter @ Uamalie87

Since 2006 Bruce Fisher publishes the Blog of Hawaii vacation and vacation Hawaii connection Podcast, create daily content on Hawaii travel and tourism. This Blog is the only online resource providing information on Hawaii targeting travelers seven days a week. Postings reflect the Islands Hawaiian, their culture and their way of life as accurately and completely as possible.

28 July 2012
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