The weather is generally chit chat, but not when you visit Hilo! This area to the wind gets more that its fair share of rain but is more beautiful because of it.

(Top) Lychee and the beaches of black sand of Hilo. (Bottom) It is always time to talk of this city.
My recent visit to the Big Island has given me the opportunity to stay at Hilo, for the first time, which was nice because I didn't have to push in Kona every day (other side of the island). I actually stayed in the small town of volcano, at a picturesque place called the cottages of the volcano. I recommend strongly for a comfortable, quiet and private night it. (No coqui frog). The owner recommended market great extreme lava I wrote on.We were on the road to explore the region of Puna. Traffic lava tree State Park attracts our attention, and we decided to check. I have read the guide book led us and only in the part where it says "search", I did and was so happy to do so at this time! This road is beautiful and completely covered by a tunnel of tree Albizia trees. The Park is lush, green and takes about 30 minutes to walk through. Lava and trees occur petrified ghosts themselves, looking similar to gnomes. Overall, it was a quick and interesting market you rooting for the trees to the left.
Next stop is the very popular range of diving with Pohoiki. I did not go in the water, as it was a little rude, but there were many people who did, and many others who liked the tidal pools carved in the stone of black lava. It would be good for children, also, as the pools were quite deep to sit in. Another place, that I chose to not swim was the beautiful black sand Kehena beach. After that I noted, it is more used by the nudist who are friendly and warned us that water is far more dangerous that it seems. In fact, many visitors are distressed by underestimating the strong currents.For the first time, I finally make a hot spring experience. We went to the pool heated naturally to Ahalanui. It is a real water lava bordes freshwater swimming pool with a wall of rocks and measures. The swimming pool is to the ocean, so he gets refreshed with each wave. The water is warm, clear and calm. A local told me that the pool was not always hot. An eruption in the 1960s changed the ventilation underground and voila! It has naturally become heated. Yes Madam Pele.
Ending with a quick note on Hilo, I strongly suggest that you would discover the downtown market on Saturday and Wednesday. He has the best prices in the State of fruits and fresh vegetables and the property. Fortunately for me, it's season of lychee, a remarkable fruit of Hilo. I am stuffed the gills with them for a price very envious. Downtown has a few interesting restaurants and shops, but I didn't have time to explore, which means I'll have everything back once again!Posted by Katherine Finch follow me on Twitter @ kfinches

Since 2006 Bruce Fisher publishes the Blog of Hawaii vacation and vacation Hawaii connection Podcast, create daily content on Hawaii travel and tourism. This Blog is the only online resource providing information on Hawaii targeting travelers seven days a week. Postings reflect the Islands Hawaiian, their culture and their way of life as accurately and completely as possible.

July 24, 2012
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