Poipu Kai Resort in Poipu consists of several complexes of individual condominiums on a 70 hectare property. We sometimes receive people ask how far it is from Poipu sands or the Villas of the Regency, two popular complexes in the station, on the beach. We actually measured the time of walkers. Take a look at the aerial photo to follow to get your rolling (you can click on it for a larger view). On the photo, the more central part of Poipu Kai Resort is identified (1) and Poipu Sands (8), which is still part of Poipu Kai. Regency is about to halfway between the labels 1 and 8. On the right hand side is beach of the sinking, and on the left is Brennecke followed by Poipu Beach Park.

The time of the Regency of Brennecke is 6 minutes. It is 4 minutes to get to Poipu Beach. Brennecke Poipu sands market time is 12 minutes when you cut Poipu Kai Resort. Poipu Sands is located next to the beach of the sinking, but the grounds are large enough, so the average time of a unit in the range will be 3-4 minutes.
Google Maps has a feature of directives market which seems to be very precise and allows that you chose to walk the paths and roads. Here's the map showing the distance from Poipu Beach Brennecke sands market.
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