Today's post was written by Alana Wike, co-owner of Maui Soap Company, a family business in rural Keokea, Maui. Our photos of Shaka summer competition, we asked each sponsor to tell our readers a little more on the subject. Don't forget to enter the contest!
Maui Soap Company is a family business owned and operated by Hawaiian premium development produced bath and body free of additives and chemicals. We first began manufacturing the "Interior" of Maui SOAP and have since moved to haiku on the north shore of Maui. Our friends and family loved our cakes of SOAP so that they demanded more, so we started to offer lotions, butters, balms and even sunscreen.
We are a company focused on sustainability, community values and ethics of animal and Earth in everything we do. We believe that the option to purchase natural products reached more than the health benefits they provide.

Summer is here, and that means more time spent outdoors in the Sun and water. Here are some tips to keep your skin glowing and healthy all summer long with the Maui Soap Co. products.
In the summer, it is important to exfoliate your skin to remove dead skin cells and improve blood circulation. Dead skin cells can make your look dull and dry skin. For a radiant skin and a healthy glow, try Maui Soap Co. 100% natural pink grapefruit sugar scrub with Kukui nut oil.
Many lips balms use oil as their moisturizing base, which is the same oil crude used to make gasoline. Oil is not absorbed by the skin, so it is not moisturize the lips as natural herbal oils. Maui Soap Co. balms are made of wax to help soothe and moisturize dry lips natural beeswax and rich mango seed butter.
The Sun's rays are strongest during the summer months. Use a sunscreen with at least SPF 15 or more. Don't forget to submit a new application if you spend prolonged time outdoors. Try Maui Soap Co. SPF 30 sunscreen. It is without paraben and reef-security and contains natural minerals that reflect the rays of the Sun.
In summer, you can switch to lighter lotions with ingredients such as Aloe Vera and jojoba. Aloe Vera is especially soothing on the skin exposed to the Sun. Maui Soap Co. coconut Lotion is the ideal solution, it is 70% organic and paraben free.
Sulfates, particularly sodium lauryl sulphate, are the harsh detergents that remove the skin of essential oils. Maui Soap Co. soaps are made with vegetable oils of 100% creamy organic coconut oil. Their sparkling rich foam cleans and moisturizes without harsh chemicals.

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