Surf riding, hiking, kayaking, horseback riding. The list of things to do in Hawaii ' I is without end. But what of the list of things not to do? Often, this should do with respecting local customs and culture. It does not mean that you must "walk on egg shells;" (I think we are all very user-friendly in the Islands!). But as nowhere, you must take note of the appropriate label and ways as guest with someone else, so to speak.

I hope that this post will help you feel more at home. Let's start with your arrival on the Islands. A friend or a tour guide can present you with a beautiful lei of fresh flowers: welcome on the island. Always accept gracefully with a hug or kiss on the cheek. In doing so, it shows that you appreciate the gesture, that you will discover is in fact quite common. Lei is given feasts anniversary, ceremonies graduates, marriages and lu' au. And even if it messes up your hair, try your best to not remove the lei in the presence of the host, it may be an insult to their.
Once you have installed in your hotel, you are ready to take the road! But before you do this, remember that the aloha spirit stops along the road; It is common courtesy of wave or shaka as a thank you to another driver who are going to way you in a. Hawaii does not honk their horns either; Well, not as often as drivers in New York or Chicago. There may be some drivers honk-happy here; just don't be one of them!If you get lost in car or on foot, it is preferable to use words directional as, "Kholmsk" or "makai," rather than the North, South, or West. Kholmsk means to the mountain and makai means toward the ocean.
Once you've found your destination, don't forget rule number one: avoid leaving the baggage and other objects of value in your rental car. Instead, keep in a hotel or in a hotel safe. Flight at popular tourist sites can be generalized. If you are a destination is a beach, then remember not to change any marine life; This includes seals, dolphins and the green sea turtle (honu). Most are endangered species that should be appreciated by far. Except that, you should be good to go, then enjoy your bath or tuba!Posted by Alyssa s. Navares Follow me on Twitter @ Uamalie87

Since 2006 Bruce Fisher publishes the Blog of Hawaii vacation and vacation Hawaii connection Podcast, create daily content on Hawaii travel and tourism. This Blog is the only online resource providing information on Hawaii targeting travelers seven days a week. Postings reflect the Islands Hawaiian, their culture and their way of life as accurately and completely as possible.

July 25, 2012
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