This is a serious news for the Hawaiian Green Turtle or honu, as federal Fisheries has approved a petition which can accommodate the species hunted and consumed. Submitted by Association civic Hawaii - openly advocating these acts to honu - petition promotes the elimination of Hawaiian green turtles from the list of endangered species.
Since 1978, honu were protected pursuant to U.S. law of species endangered (ESA), which prohibits the hunting of these species. However, the Hawaiian honu are not yet close to the objectives of official Federal recovery of at least 5,000 birds per year, according to the sea turtle restoration project. Honu nest primarily on a beach in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, with an average of about 400 to 500 breeding each year since 2002. The highest was 843 in 2011, as indicated in a press release from the Organization of sea turtle. This is an increase in slow but steady honu Hawaii population.
"" Procedure of radiation, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) will review for the State to determine if honu population "has been large enough to ensure it down or go extinct due to a range of human threats," the release says. If removed from the list, the State of Hawaii would have the ability to allow hunting. Other States have done for other species removed, as wolves.I am appalled by this news. Imagine enjoying a day of relaxing on the beach and suddenly witnesses of a fresh green turtle massacree just before you and your family. Not a way to spend your vacation. Speaking of which, he became highlights of Hawaii tourism and attracts divers, divers and lovers of beach to the Islands each year. Some beaches, such as Laniakea on the north shore of the O'ahu, have become a nesting place known for honu. Tourists flock to its shores for the chance to see honu closely; perhaps even get a picture or two.

Honu at Laniakea Beach has become a popular attraction for tourists and residents.
But enough about humans. The honu? Prior to 1978, Hunt almost caused their extinction. And they do not have a long road ahead of them. Threats to their long-term survival continue to increase over the years - including the loss of beaches from sea level rise, invasive algae, coral bleaching and the capture in fishing gear and marine debris of nesting. Federal fisheries should instead work on ways to eliminate these problems that also threaten other species in the Islands.The public can comment on the petition by October 1, 2012 (!documentDetail;D=NOAA-NMFS-2012-0154-0001). Please take the time to do this and help save our beloved honu. Mahalo.
Posted by Alyssa s. Navares Follow me on Twitter @ Uamalie87Published by Bruce Fisher
Since 2006 Bruce Fisher publishes the Blog of Hawaii vacation and vacation Hawaii connection Podcast, create daily content on Hawaii travel and tourism. This Blog is the only online resource providing information on Hawaii targeting travelers seven days a week. Postings reflect the Islands Hawaiian, their culture and their way of life as accurately and completely as possible.

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