What is in a name? What we call... a warthog? The Honolulu Zoo hosted three Warthogs newly-born the at his home in May and need your help in naming them. The contest to name the two females and a male piglets ends September 3, 2012.
Family pleased warthog at the Honolulu Zoo.
Perhaps an another Pumbaa-in-the-making Disney The Lion King? Or Wally the warthog? The possibilities are infinite! It is probably better meet the piglets first to determine their personality. As the name of your family pet, right? The competition is to explain why you chose this name, so don't hesitate to take notes during the observation period.Because they often NAP, it is best to visit Warthogs keiki (kid) during the cooler periods of the day, early in the morning or late afternoon. That was mean, you're more likely to see them at their "friskiest. And let me tell you; your heart will melt at the sight of them. They are so ugly that they are really very very cute! Hard to imagine that they will be several hundred books a few years from now.
The winner will be announced on the zoo Facebook page, with a package of a family zoo membership Awards, a gift card of $25 for the stand of concession and a tour behind the scenes.Once appointed, the warthog piglets will be shipped off the island (in the year). According to the zoo, they must be separated from their parents to avoid the problems of inbreeding.
Naming WARTHOG ZOO contest and ends September 3, 2012 / 151 Kapahulu Avenue, Honolulu Zoo, Honolulu, Colombia 96815 HI (map) / 808-971-7171 / www.honoluluzoo.orgPhoto credit: City of Honolulu and County
Posted by Alyssa s. Navares Follow me on Twitter @ Uamalie87Published by Bruce Fisher
Since 2006 Bruce Fisher publishes the Blog of Hawaii vacation and vacation Hawaii connection Podcast, create daily content on Hawaii travel and tourism. This Blog is the only online resource providing information on Hawaii targeting travelers seven days a week. Postings reflect the Islands Hawaiian, their culture and their way of life as accurately and completely as possible.

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