Forget the Tower of kayak Mokulua islands of Kailua or the bus ride guided the city to these beaches to the wind; a ban on commercial activity in Kailua and Kalama Beach parks took immediate effect yesterday after the Honolulu City Council ousted the right of veto of the Mayor of Bill 11.
Kayaking as we see the paddle flat of the island, are now banned from Kailua Beach.
The Bill initially targeted the kayakers and the bus tours, but includes instruction boarding kite and windsurfing as well. To my surprise, I could not find any places spare on O'ahu to learn kitesurfing and windsurfing to sailing. I wanted to provide this information to our readers. Many sites Web point of Kailua Beach for lessons. To my chagrin, there is no kayaking near the area of Waikiki; visitors must lead to the North Coast or Kane'ohe, also on the side exposed to the wind, which can be a challenge if they do not have a rental car.Many residents complained of increasing traffic in and around Kailua Beach over the years, which prompted the creation of Bill 11. As a local, I had was a little torn on the subject. A recent trip to the city of Kailua last weekend left that I heated with frustration. I had trouble finding the parking lot and noticed that I was not the only one. some so desperate for a space, they have resorted to parking illegally. The beach itself is like a second Waikiki. Crowds of spectators-Beach flooded sand and the sea, leaving little room for the protection of personal information. What happened to the picturesque Beach Kailua, we knew all and loved?
As I discovered in the writing of this article, the answer to this question is not in Bill 11. Prohibit commercial activities decrease the traffic or crowds. Tourists flock to Kailua because they told you on sand and clear blue waters 5. his ideal of diving and kid-friendly conditions. This is the reality of it, and I am fine with that. Nothing will stop the tourists to come here; You can't really blame the. It is much too beautiful a place to pass. I sympathize with the tourist who now have difficulties to find kite boarding or kitesurfing lessons. Wrote this story, Bill 11 made me realize the business of Kailua what importance have been for our tourism economy. they have relied on these markets for years. Now where the tourists go for lessons?Posted by Alyssa s. Navares Follow me on Twitter @ Uamalie87

Since 2006 Bruce Fisher publishes the Blog of Hawaii vacation and vacation Hawaii connection Podcast, create daily content on Hawaii travel and tourism. This Blog is the only online resource providing information on Hawaii targeting travelers seven days a week. Postings reflect the Islands Hawaiian, their culture and their way of life as accurately and completely as possible.

16 August 2012
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