Kaumuali road 'i on Kaua'i' i is the long stretch of road that takes people to the western end of the island. Panoramic ocean drive recently made headlines - three days only - waves eroded about 15 feet from the shoulder of the road, which has prompted the Governor to sign a proclamation of disaster authorizing emergency to this section of the road repairs.

Once the lifeguard Tower Kekaha Beach stood standing, now there a cemetery of ironwood trees.
Repair of the road should take more than a year, but what really the city spoke is the disappearance of the beach. I got a chance to drive the Kekaha region a few days ago and could not believe how much sand had been swallowed by the ocean. When led us in this way, a few years ago, I remember not being half to less than a football field of beach end. people around would come to Kekaha Beach for surfing, swimming, fishing and tan. The sting of the area where rescue tower used to be was a gathering place. You have probably already given trucks stationed on the beach now, il is barely anywhere to park along the road. Waves crash on the right to the road, sending spray on the passage of cars.The erosion has been so important as the County moved twice its more far on beach Kekaha lifeguard Tower beach. Part of the local population, that I spoke to speculate that the recent renovations and dredging at the nearby port small Kikiaola boat may be the cause behind this "catastrophe". Renovations to make the port more accessible for larger vessels, but at what price?
Now when you drive past this stretch of the road, you'll see barriers yellow caution tape and marking cement zone and more the need of repair. It is a steep 10 foot drop bordered by a wall of sandbags. I had this strange feeling when I watched on the edge of eroded lands. A cemetery of dead trees washed back and forth on the small strip of sand that was left.Posted by Alyssa s. Navares Follow me on Twitter @ Uamalie87

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29 July 2012
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